We had a really fun November! So much fun that I honestly think this may just be my longest blog post ever!!!! Watch out:)
It started with Laura's Birthday!!!! I love Laura, she has always been such a good friend to me! We went to lunch with the kiddos and Shauna

Winston and Brynn had a blast can't you tell?

Shauna talked Tylie into putting this dress on and asking her mom if she could have it. We are so bad, we kept telling Tylie that she deserves it and to keep asking her mom... I know pay back is coming.

Winston went to visit daddy at work and loved typing on his computer

Nate went hunting one weekentd so Winston and I had a sleep over with Jace and Emily
Nate had a little run in with danger, and it wasn't from a wild animal. It was from his own scope. And no I'm not kidding. Nate was going after a deer that was getting away so he shot real quick before getting his gun secure. I tell him that is what he gets for trying to kill bambi
We also went to my little cousins foot ball game and winston had this cute little had to stay warm

I nearly had a heart attack when I was watching my nephew Cannon and he decided he was an artist! Seriously I thiought my sister was going to kill me. Thank goodness the permanent marker came out!

PArker with Winston
This is my cousins son Rucker! He has to be one of the wildest funniest kids ever! He cracked me up the whole time
Cousin Ali with my aunt Karen. We had an amazing German dinner where my aunt cooked my omah's German dishes. It was incredible.
My cousin Daniel, my biological dad Rainer, and my cousin Gretchin

Winston in his winter gear. He actually learned how to crawl during this trip! What a big boy 7 months

Winstons first snow. We took him on a sled ride he loved it!!!
my little monkey!

Uncle Gary
Here is my cousin Ashley's baby Mylie! She is a sweetheart and crazy enough she looks like my niece Sadie. At least I think so. Thanks Ash for letting us stay with you and Rock band through the night! I had so much fun
Out with my cousins

On my last night we went to dinner with my family at Mcraths
Where we had the best sevice ever!!! Thanks to the Cami (hostess) Lindsey (Server) and Ashley (Manager). They were all working the same night and lucky for us it was pretty slow so we got to hang out a bunch.
So we said bye to SL and headed to visit Nate's family in La point, which is the small town near Vernal. On our way we stopped for dinner in Heber. At my favorite place Dairy Keen. Rachae met up with Camille and I there.

Up at Granma and Granpa walkers almost all the family was over. It was packed and full of fun times with family. Addison and Raylee loved playing all day long!
Poor Addi broke her arm just before the trip

The infamous Uncles Lynn and LAine

RAylee all ready for some Thanksgiving dinner

Winston and Brynn had a blast can't you tell?
Shauna talked Tylie into putting this dress on and asking her mom if she could have it. We are so bad, we kept telling Tylie that she deserves it and to keep asking her mom... I know pay back is coming.
Winston went to visit daddy at work and loved typing on his computer
Nate went hunting one weekentd so Winston and I had a sleep over with Jace and Emily

I nearly had a heart attack when I was watching my nephew Cannon and he decided he was an artist! Seriously I thiought my sister was going to kill me. Thank goodness the permanent marker came out!
Later that month Nate and I took a trip to Utah! DRIVING!!!!! AGHHH!
Thankfully it wasnt that bad. Winston was a champ in the car. He was better than I was. Since we drove so long we had to make it worth our while so we stayed for over a week.
We started our trip with some good ol BYU football. We are really gonna miss watching our favorite players Max and Dennis next year. Thanks so much kinz for the awesome seats
We started our trip with some good ol BYU football. We are really gonna miss watching our favorite players Max and Dennis next year. Thanks so much kinz for the awesome seats
Here are my cute little cousins
Lindsey Mackaylee, and Cami
PArker with Winston
Winston in his winter gear. He actually learned how to crawl during this trip! What a big boy 7 months
Winstons first snow. We took him on a sled ride he loved it!!!
Uncle Gary

Up at Granma and Granpa walkers almost all the family was over. It was packed and full of fun times with family. Addison and Raylee loved playing all day long!
The infamous Uncles Lynn and LAine
RAylee all ready for some Thanksgiving dinner
TC cutting the Turkey
The feast! We ate so good. There were about 30 or more mouths to feed too! It was wild!!!!

The sweetest lady you'll ever meet, Grandma Walker

Winston with Grandma and Grandpa Walker
After Thanksgiving we went to go see the new Rec center that was built in Vernal. It was huge and so much fun. It had rock walls. Even an indoor pool
Winston with Grandma and Grandpa Walker
Nate climbing
Here's me practically doing the splits. It was tough

Winston eating before he swims

As always we played games like Rook and others. It was great
Winston eating before he swims
As always we played games like Rook and others. It was great