I have a few random pics and videos that I wanted to post!
First Cannon my nephew turned 3 Yeah!!!!! What a big boy!!!

Then I have two cute and funny videos of Winston. The first is of him playing Where's Winston. I think when he says wootie, that really is his way of saying Winston.
The other video might make you think I'm the worst mom ever! haha. But When Stacia was visiting this summer, she came over and helped me a lot with Winston. One day we were going to meet my mom for lunch and I asked Stacia if she could help me get Winston Dressed before we left. Well He ended up in the most wt outfit ever. He looked like Bruno or something. haha. It was so funny though, so I let him wear it. haha. We laughed so hard. I just love my little man. he is so funny and cute!!!!! love him!!! Hopefully the videos come out well.