Mckinzi, I had so much fun hanging out with you and your family. Thanks so much for having us over. This is Max's little brother, Max wouldn't take a picture with us, so we had his brother take his place. I'm so sad Mataya is leaving to Utah, but I know she's gonna have a blast!
I was trying to make a kiss face like everyone else, but I was laughing to hard.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Don't ever tag me again - j/k
Ok I got tagged like 20 times what the heck! I wasn't going to do it, cause I'm the boringest, but it looks like a bunch of you want to be bored! Ok here goes....
4 Jobs I have had:
Yoga and Pilates teacher - at almost every gym you can think of.
Worked at Quiksilver headquarters dealing with the crazy customers as well as some crazy co-workers. (Lauren if your reading this, you know what I'm talking about. haha!)
Waitress and hostess at a few different places. (I was the crappy waitress that got the orders wrong haha it totally was not my thing)
4 Movies I could watch over and over:
Mean Girls
Old School
The Elf
4 Places I have lived:
Gilbert, AZ
Huntington Beach, CA
4 TV shows I enjoy: (oh gosh only 4)
Desperate Housewives
So you think you can dance
The Office
4 Places I have been:
France - honey moon
Great Brittain
4 Favorite foods: (only 4 again...this will be tough)
guacamole - anything with guacamole is the best!
Rubio's shrimp taco's, and Wahoo's fish tacos
A good mango that is perfectly juicy and not the stringy kind.
king crab
4 Websites I visit:
ASU Blackboard site
and more blogspot
My Guilty Pleasure-
DESSERTS:) on the top of my list is Bahama Bucks, Frescas Bingsoo (If none of you have ever been here, you must go cause it's the BEST), and I'm a sucker for DQ. If I was still in CA it would be G.A.Y. Lynn you have to go there it is really good.
Shopping when I have the $
Reality TV aka the Hills, Bachelor - I know it's embarrasing
Who I Tag... Heather and Carrie
4 Jobs I have had:
Yoga and Pilates teacher - at almost every gym you can think of.
Worked at Quiksilver headquarters dealing with the crazy customers as well as some crazy co-workers. (Lauren if your reading this, you know what I'm talking about. haha!)
Waitress and hostess at a few different places. (I was the crappy waitress that got the orders wrong haha it totally was not my thing)
4 Movies I could watch over and over:
Mean Girls
Old School
The Elf
4 Places I have lived:
Gilbert, AZ
Huntington Beach, CA
4 TV shows I enjoy: (oh gosh only 4)
Desperate Housewives
So you think you can dance
The Office
4 Places I have been:
France - honey moon
Great Brittain
4 Favorite foods: (only 4 again...this will be tough)
guacamole - anything with guacamole is the best!
Rubio's shrimp taco's, and Wahoo's fish tacos
A good mango that is perfectly juicy and not the stringy kind.
king crab
4 Websites I visit:
ASU Blackboard site
and more blogspot
My Guilty Pleasure-
DESSERTS:) on the top of my list is Bahama Bucks, Frescas Bingsoo (If none of you have ever been here, you must go cause it's the BEST), and I'm a sucker for DQ. If I was still in CA it would be G.A.Y. Lynn you have to go there it is really good.
Shopping when I have the $
Reality TV aka the Hills, Bachelor - I know it's embarrasing
Who I Tag... Heather and Carrie
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Ryan's Birthday gathering
We had so much fun hanging out with good friends on Ryan's birthday!
Nate wanted to make sure that Ryan felt like a king on his big day, so he even fed him
It was so awesome to hang out with Ty and Jeremy, we were all rolling on the floor at how funny these guys are!
When Lisa and John came, we played a joke on them and acted like they were the only one's that showed up, it was funny, but you really just had to be there!
Thanks ryan for making us pick you up. that was really fun!

Happy Birthday Ryan!!!!!
Happy Birthday Ryan!!!!!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
What the mid-life crisis????!!?!?
So I'm at my parents house the other day, and they told me to go look in the garage, and this was there. What the heck is going on here? Anyways Q finally got his dream car. I know it all seems a bit midlife crisis to me too, first the mustache and now this! haha, I love it! He's so excited about it too! It's so funny!
The two dvd players are fun, too bad taking this baby on a road trip would equal in the same price of a European vacation! haha
Nate was even more excited than Q I think!

Sunday, July 15, 2007
Happy Birthday Ryan!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Sicko - go see it!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
So 4th of July was so much fun! We had an awesome bbq with steaks and everything at my parents house. My mom even set the table all cute!
Here is me and my about ready to pop sister. Just a few more weeks.
After my parents house we went to Laura's parents house to swim. It was fun to hang out with everyone, but we just barely missed Lisa and her family. I was so sad about that!
Gosh Kristen, I make you look even darker than you already are.
The boys had fun playing basketball!

Little Tylie, loved being diaperless. Her and Baxter were best buddies!
Little Tylie, loved being diaperless. Her and Baxter were best buddies!
Laura with Tylie!The girls! (What the heck Heather, I thought we were going to be white together, but I totally out whited you)
Friday, July 6, 2007
Last weekend
So, I am a little behind, because I forgot to post some fun pics from last weekend. Laura and Dallas were up, and us, Heidi, and Lisa, and all of our spouses went out to dinner at Streamers. We had so much fun, Heidi's son Boston was so good the whole time! I was impressed.
Here is the "little angel" He is so cute.
Lisa, Heidi, Me, Laura
Laura with her baby doll
Nate and Dallas
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy fourth of JULY

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