It was so great to be able to go to Florida this summer for the 4th of July!
Nate's grandparents celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this year, so the entire family made their way to Florida for a week long visit. Everyone except Camille and Jay and of course Jared who is serving his mission in Africa were able to go. We missed you guys
So we're off for a week and I have to admit I was terrified of what that plane ride was going to be like. This was Winston's first time flying. He did so Well!!! For the first time ever, I was grateful for layovers, where Winston was able to get his wiggles out.
The airport was a giant playground for Winston. He loves escalators and anything with wheels. So he was in heaven with all the wheelchairs and luggage rollers at every corner.
Getting ready to shine his shoes:)

Yeah!!! We made it to Fort Myers Florida. Day one, we went to Sanibelle Island and spent a day at the beach. We had rain storms everyday that we were there, but luckily we managed to have clear skies at the beach.
The beaches at Sanibel are beautiful. You walk through tons of greenery and then you hit the beach. Here is Ian (Nate's hilarious little cousin) Winston and Nate
Winston loved being able to play in the warm gulf water where the waves are gentle and small. This boy was in heaven!!! This place is known to have awesome shells too. We found so many!

Family at the beach!

On our way home from the beach, we made a stop at the hopital
No need to worry, it was for good reasons. Nate's cousin Marli had a beautiful baby boy that day!
I was able to meet all of Nate's expended family just last year when we went to Florida on a trip there. But this trip we got to meet Nates long lost cousin. Jimmy was very nice and it is too crazy how much he looks like a Wright.
Happy Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa Wright
All the siblings
Raylee and Winston rockin out
We had such a large group that we all stayed at different relatives homes. One of the homes had a lake in the backyard. We had a great time kyacking!

Watch out for the giant grasshoppers
Ian and Nate went all the way to this island where they saw alligators
The next day we went to Ft. Myers beach. I only wish Winston would have slept longer. This lasted maybe one minute:( Kase slept good though.
If you remember my post from last Fl trip, I raved about this orange juice place...Yep, still good! We love this place, and made an effort to go there as many times as we could.
Getting ready to shine his shoes:)
Yeah!!! We made it to Fort Myers Florida. Day one, we went to Sanibelle Island and spent a day at the beach. We had rain storms everyday that we were there, but luckily we managed to have clear skies at the beach.
The beaches at Sanibel are beautiful. You walk through tons of greenery and then you hit the beach. Here is Ian (Nate's hilarious little cousin) Winston and Nate
On our way home from the beach, we made a stop at the hopital
Watch out for the giant grasshoppers
If you remember my post from last Fl trip, I raved about this orange juice place...Yep, still good! We love this place, and made an effort to go there as many times as we could.
Here's day one
Day 2
And day 3
Not only is the onrange juice so good, but they also have orange and keylime soft serve icecream that is delicious too
One day we all took a walk through this Nature preserve that is right near the house. It was so pretty, we were litteraly in the tropics. Our hope was to spot an alligator. We found a group of baby racoons, they were so close. I was so scared though because I felt like the mama racoon was going to jump on my back out of nowhere and attack me. You should have heard me scream when a drop of water landed on my head. The whole group thought I was being attacked or something. ah good times!
Family pic on the Nature preserve. Happy 4th!
Grandpa joined us. This place is in his backyard and he had never been before. We walked so much and he is in great shape.
I got some cute pics here. I wish I had a nice camera, this place would be a cute photo shoot. Maybe someday...

Mission accomplished!!!! We totally found this alligator! It was so cool!
One day we all took a walk through this Nature preserve that is right near the house. It was so pretty, we were litteraly in the tropics. Our hope was to spot an alligator. We found a group of baby racoons, they were so close. I was so scared though because I felt like the mama racoon was going to jump on my back out of nowhere and attack me. You should have heard me scream when a drop of water landed on my head. The whole group thought I was being attacked or something. ah good times!