When I jumped on the ban wagon to get pregnant, The ban wagon was pretty full. It seems like almost all of my friends were about six months along when I finally got pregnant. Needless to say Winston has many friends, girl friends that is. He is one lucky guy with all these pretty girls hanging around him. He's younger than all of them, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't mind a cougar.
Here he is with Kristen's daughter Karis.
She knows how to make him smile
This was the first girl he met. Leah! She dominated him in size
When Brielle first met him she leaned over out of no where and just gave him a kiss. It was so cute.
This is Nate's best friend Beave's daughter, Kennedy
Winston and Leah smiling
Here's Winston and Tylie! Such good friends
Cuddle bugs
Poor Winston is already getting worked over by his women
So cute!
They have a love/hate relationship
Here he is with all his women!!! What a stud
Watch out ladies, Leah's making her move
That picture of Brielle and Winston crying is so funny and the one with all the ladies is so cute. I loved all the pictures. Winston is a stud muffin!
He needs individual pictures with all his ladies!
This post was cute. They do these studies where they saw a bunch of one sex is born and then shortly thereafter one of the other sex is born. haha what a perfect example.
Wow! What a stud!! Lucky Winston. But my daughter will actually be younger than him so I think they would work out the best :)
Wow you have been busy! Exciting times! Winston is SO cute! I didn't even know Nate was in school! Congrats to him too. Come visit us!
i love it! he's the man
Seriously, what a ladies man! Why didn't Annabelle get a shout out, is she not "cougar" enough for your little hunk:)j/k he's adorable!!
Haha I had no idea there were so many little girls born! Right now everyone is having boys again except for me! Oh my heck Reg, he is a stud.....Winston is going to be such a ladies man:) I can't wait to be done, only 9 weeks left! Don't think I am as active as I make myself out to be...it started out that way and now I am SO LAZY and TIRED! It hit me seriously as soon as I turned 7 months, I never wanna move faster than a snail. Where are you in all these pics? It'll be fun to be a part of all this baby fest here soon. MIss you guys, hope everything is goin great.
So funny! Yes, we were at Joann's the same day...we must have just left! It would have been funny to run into you again...we really should do lunch sometime! Maybe get a bunch of girls together?! :)
Regan so cute. I love that he has all those girlfriends. He is so cute. So I still want to come out and visit in August so when would be a good time? I might have to come alone but I want to come visit. How is babysitting? You need to come visit and stay in our new place.
Let's get some new pictures up . Where are the ones Liz took?
So cute Regan! I have a video Im going to on my blog of Tylie. Youre going to love it...
What a hilarious post and pictures! Cougars, indeed. Get used to the girls chasing your boy! They are aggressive these days.
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