Monday, July 21, 2008

JJ got hiched!

So those of you that know Jeremy got married a long time ago, can now get a good idea of how far behind I am on blogging. Yes I'm about 2 or 3 months behind!!! Oh well. So here are the happy bride and groom!!!Jeremy is such a funny guy. He cracks me and Nate up. When I was first dating Nate, he invited me out to a gallon challange party (which was actually his b-day party but I didn't know that till I got there) Anyways I knew that if anyone could win a milk challenge it was JJ, so I told him to come. He didn't make it all the way, but he did better than anyone else there. After that Nate loved JJ! Who wouldn't love someone that could jug a gallon of milk in an hour.
This is my stalker Zohan aka Ty Ford!! Creepy!!!
It was fun seeing girls from HS! Lindsey I freakin love you and you need to hang out with me sometime!!!!


Steve and Shell said...

why am i creepily in the background again?

Brown Sugar said...

straight up girl! lets get our hang out on!